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Taxi to Sitges from airport

The distance from Barcelona Airport to Sitges is approximately 32 km. This will take about 30 minutes in a taxi - approx €55


There are no direct trains from Barcelona Airport to Sitges. Therefore, it is necessary to take the RENFE train RD Nord from the airport and get off at the first stop called El Prat de Llobregat. From here you can catch the train to Sitges.If you are arriving into Terminal 1 (T1) you will not be able to walk straight to the train station, as it is 4km away. You will need to take a shuttle bus from outside the terminal.


There are coaches that run directly from Barcelona Airport to Sitges. The Bus Garraf runs from outside Terminal 1 (T1).

If your flight arrives at T2, you will need to get the free shuttle bus from T2 to T1. Once you are at T1 you will be able to get the coach to Sitges.

For details of the times and ticket prices of the Bus Garraf Bus check the Bus Garraf website. Go to the 'Timetable Searcher' and key in 'Aeroport' to 'Sitges'. The times provided will be either for Monday - Friday, Saturdays, Sundays or Night time.

Taxi Sitges to house

From Sitges to the house is around €10 from Sitges Train station with plenty on the street directly outside the main entrance, it takes under 10 mins journey time.


Barcelona El Prat 27km from the house

We recommend hiring a car direct from the airport for maximum comfort throughout your stay.

However, if you would prefer to taxi or use public transport herewith some basic general information. Please contact us for further details if you need them.